
This is a humorous and sarcastic blog written by a paralegal in a mid-sized law firm in a mid-tier market. The goal is to share some of the pitfalls and foibles encountered in my own day-to-day experiences. Feel free to contact me at aparalegalslife@gmail.com with comments. Complaints, not so much :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day

Ah, yet another "holiday" where my employer doesn't give us the day off.  There's not much point to being at work, since the Courts are all closed.  I suppose it's nice to have at least one day in the office where we aren't dealing with filing deadlines, though.

Anyhow, if you are working today also, we can commiserate together.


Anonymous said...

What? It's a holiday? Yeah, you're totally not alone. Don't forget that the mail doesn't run either.

Grumpy Humbug said...

A day without mail is actually a good thing, less stuff coming in to sort through than a typical day.

If it weren't for my desk calendar telling me, I wouldn't know it was a holiday either.