
This is a humorous and sarcastic blog written by a paralegal in a mid-sized law firm in a mid-tier market. The goal is to share some of the pitfalls and foibles encountered in my own day-to-day experiences. Feel free to contact me at aparalegalslife@gmail.com with comments. Complaints, not so much :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

So, how was YOUR day?

I was looking forward to a relatively quiet Friday, with just a few minor filings, perhaps some time to get my many overrun and ignored files better organized.  Maybe take a long lunch.

You can stop laughing now.

One of the attorneys in our Corporate department needed a hand organizing his paperwork for a merger.  He's a really nice guy, and I wasn't overly busy, so I volunteered to give him a hand for what was supposed to be "an hour or so".

Cue the theme to Gilligan's Island.

Let's just say I was grossly misinformed about the scale of the "help" that was needed.  It wasn't malicious, just that things grew more complicated beyond all previous expectations once the client arrived.  (Don't they always?)

All's well in the end.  6 hours of frazzled running around was just not quite how the day was planned.  That'll show me for going into my day with a plan.  Or hopes.  Or dreams. 


The Goodwill Fangirl said...

Your post made me laugh - and feel less alone. My Friday was so far from what I dreamed or hoped that I get to do it again - tomorrow. Saturday.

Someone better bring donuts.

Grumpy Humbug said...

My Saturday involves home improvement. Work, true, but work that actually improves MY life instead of some random partner's bank account

Anonymous said...

Sums up a typical Friday perfectly - asking for help with "one little thing" ends up taking up most of the afternoon (working on files that are not actually yours).