
This is a humorous and sarcastic blog written by a paralegal in a mid-sized law firm in a mid-tier market. The goal is to share some of the pitfalls and foibles encountered in my own day-to-day experiences. Feel free to contact me at aparalegalslife@gmail.com with comments. Complaints, not so much :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Things Pissing Me Off Today

1.  Got to leave the office for a whole 8 hours before coming back in.  Yay.

2.  It looks more and more like no football this year.  Grumpy sad.

3.  Apocalypse Guy now claims he forgot to carry a 5 somewhere and the end of the world is on October 21.  I call shenanigans. 

4.  It's only Tuesday.  Feels like Thursday.

5.  They are out of my favorite coffee in the break room.  Again.

6.  Forgot to bring my lunch in today.  Means I have to find something from the non-existent limited options near my office, because meeting schedules only leave me 20 minutes for lunch.

7.  Oh, did I mention that I have meetings all day?  Pointless meetings at that. 

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