The Office Manager at my new firm is nice, laid back, and doesn't get worked up about anything. Usually that's a good thing, but it can get incredibly frustrating. I've learned not to involve her unless there is no other choice, but unfortunately the attorneys haven't worked that part out yet. Especially when they give urgent requests for things without using e-mail.
Some of the Attorneys still filter many of their requests for paralegal and secretarial level tasks through the Office Manager, instead of contacting one of us directly. Inevitably, she somehow mangles the instructions in the course of walking down the hall to my office. After a few occasions where I went back and forth with her about trying to clarify what they wanted, I finally got fed up and started contacting them directly if it took me more than a few minutes to figure out.
This last time, I spent 10 minutes without finding what was wanted. I went back to said Attorney for clarification, and it turns out, he was looking for something entirely different which I was able to find in about 2 minutes.
I'm beginning to think the Office Manager's job is to impede the flow of work. I have yet to work for an Office Manager that actually knew how to do what they apparently think is their job. I also hope these Attorneys figure out that they should just skip her entirely and come directly to me.
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