
This is a humorous and sarcastic blog written by a paralegal in a mid-sized law firm in a mid-tier market. The goal is to share some of the pitfalls and foibles encountered in my own day-to-day experiences. Feel free to contact me at aparalegalslife@gmail.com with comments. Complaints, not so much :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Just so (both of) my readers know, I'll be posting with less frequency over the next week or two.  Work is crazy busy, and I'm also getting a handle on some personal issues that will be posted about later, at least so far as they are related to the job. 

Thanks all!


Anonymous said...

Ha! I was just thinking myself that I'm at a loss for what to say right now. Breaks are good and so is sanity (at least that's what they tell me.) Good luck, hope things settle down soon!

Paralegal said...

Can't wait till you start your regular posting. Don't let work get you crazy!
Love ya!!
Paralegal Hell

The Goodwill Fangirl said...

"Pseudo'Hiatus" - I likes it. I am at home this week, doctor's orders, and instead of blogging like a fiend with all this extra time on my hands, I find myself sleeping all day and eating sugar cookies with pumpkins on them from Wally World.

Anyways, Happy Hiatus. I will miss you. I love the paralegals making inroads into the blawgosphere.