
This is a humorous and sarcastic blog written by a paralegal in a mid-sized law firm in a mid-tier market. The goal is to share some of the pitfalls and foibles encountered in my own day-to-day experiences. Feel free to contact me at aparalegalslife@gmail.com with comments. Complaints, not so much :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Things Pissing Me Off Today

1.  Some ass-clown took my parking space.  Not a good way to start the day.  They may not be assigned, but I've had that spot under the tree for 3 years running.  It's MINE!!!  My Precious!!!

2.  Got an e-mail from Da Boss requesting a list of my current assignments.  This can only mean they want to give me more work, because work has never been taken away from me.  Never.  Never ever.  Ever.

3.  The weather sucks.  It's friggin' April already.  Can we please climb out of the 40's now?

4.  There's still things from 2009 on my DVR at home.  It's only one show, but still.  That's just not right.

5.  Skippy the Associate (who was picking out a corsage for his junior prom when I was already 5 years into this profession) is having one of those days where he assumes I don't know squat.  I already know that when a scheduling order comes in, I have to set up reminders for all the deadlines.  I already know how to find opposing counsel's address.  This child needs 5 minutes in time-out.


Elizabeth said...


Guess what I just got.... a 52 part request for production of documents. Let's just say that the number of requests (52) MAY possibly be higher than the client's IQ so it shall be fun trying to obtain all 52 parts from said client. Sigh. FML too.

Grumpy Humbug said...

THe only thing worse is trying to get discovery responses out of a sizable corporate client. The entire board has to meet, discuss, recess, meet again, argue... they don't grasp the concept that we have only 30 DAYS, not 30 YEARS.

Superlegal said...

@Grumpy: I just love it when they ask for the task list, like you need help prioritizing what you haven't / can't get done. Honestly, they don't have a list themselves. Shouldn't they spend time on that instead?

@Elizabeth/ Grumpy: One thing worse than that: trying to get docs out of a construction company whose filing system is "that box in the corner" and its predecessors in storage. I know that pain and I feel for you!!