
This is a humorous and sarcastic blog written by a paralegal in a mid-sized law firm in a mid-tier market. The goal is to share some of the pitfalls and foibles encountered in my own day-to-day experiences. Feel free to contact me at aparalegalslife@gmail.com with comments. Complaints, not so much :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Follow-up - The Benefits of Competency

After having another run-in with one of the Associates who thinks that making partner means driving the paralegals and secretaries like racehorses to show how efficient he can be, I spent some time looking at job postings.  Hey, the grass is always greener...

A job almost identical to what I am doing (with a higher salary) jumped out at me.  I knew the firm, a big outfit far higher up the food chain than my (albeit large and well-respected) regional firm.  I decided there was little to lose and sent them my resume by e-mail.

They responded in 47 minutes.  By e-mail.  Requesting an interview.  Immediately.

If you know anything about law firm hiring practices, they are NOT fast.  They do NOT want you to know how badly they need you.  I was expecting a letter or phone call in a week or two, with an interview in a month. 

Needless to say, I am curious.  These people sound either (a) foolish, (b) eager, (c) incredibly over-polite or (d) desperate. 

I will keep you posted.


LostParalegal said...


I may or may not have an interview tomorrow.

Hope it all went/goes well.

Darla said...

Are you sure it wasn't your own firm? That would be my luck ~ find out the hard way!
Good luck.