So far, so good since my health scare. I'm back at the office now, but doing my best to avoid human interaction when possible. That seems to be helping. The attorneys are actually quite understanding, although UnManager seems to think it's a character flaw that I needed some time off after a serious health incident involving a stay in the hospital. That's how far removed from reality UM truly is.
Needless to say, I've been job hunting, although pickings are pretty slim these days. There are a few nibbles here and there, but nothing really worth pursuing to be honest.
Gonna be a long year, I think.
Keep posting blog entries. It isn't going to be as satisfying as taking out UM at the knees, but at least we will know you are alive. Then we can commiserate with you too.
I swear, you MUST work at one of the firms I've worked for. In reality, I know you don't, but some of your entries are so spot on I could have written them myself!
Keep up the awesome work, best of luck in your search for better and less toxic, and stay as healthy as you can. This job really could kill us.
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